Learn how to cook a perfectly seasoned and juicy chicken on the barbecue. Our Properly Free Range whole chickens are further enhanced by the lick of a BBQ flame, resulting in sublime smokey meat.

Fill your BBQ with sustainable charcoal, light and allow to come up to a temperature of 180C.
Rub the chicken with some good quality olive oil and season well, on the skin of the bird as well as inside the cavity.
If you have a vertical chicken roaster then place the bird onto this, setting a pan underneath to catch the juices. If you do not have a vertical roaster you can pop the bird into an ovenproof roasting dish and place the dish directly onto the grill of your BBQ. Close the lid of the BBQ and cook for 40 minutes.
After 40 minutes add some kiln-dried wood to your fuel. Close the lid once again and allow the woodsmoke to infuse your bird for the last 20 minutes of cooking.
To check your bird is cooked to perfection insert a meat thermometer in the thickest part of the thigh, there you should see a temperature of 68C. This should take an hour in total, but birds will vary depending on their size and amount of fat. Remove the chicken from the BBQ and leave to rest for around 15 to 20 minutes.