Light the Somerset Grill, allow the wood to turn to coals and fall into the centre of the BBQ.
Using the rotisserie attachment, slide the chicken on and seal it tightly in the two baskets. Set it going.
Take a large roasting tin and fill the base with the giblets, onions, garlic, celery, carrots and herbs. Season the veg with sea salt and drizzle with oil, then place onto the grill directly underneath the rotisserie chicken.
Allow the juices from the bird to drip out into the pan of veg. Every now and again, shake the tray and move the veg around. You will want to cook the bird for 1 hour and 25 minutes. Once cooked remove from the rotisserie and leave to rest while you make the gravy.
Sprinkle the flour over the veg and then use a wooden spoon to scrape up all the pan juices. After a couple of minutes of scraping up the juices and toasting the flour, pour in the warmed stock. Allow this to bubble and cook for 6 – 7 minutes. Place a sieve over a lipped bowl and pour the contents of the pan through. Using the wooden spoon push down the veg, so you extract as much flavour as possible. Discard the pulverized veg and giblets and set the pan of gravy to one side towards the back of the grill to keep warm.
Take a large cast iron frying pan and set over a medium heat from the grill. Add a little butter along with the shallot and a pinch of salt, and sweat until soft. Move to a warmer section of the grill and add the rest of the butter along with wild mushrooms; fry for a couple of minutes, being careful not to move them too much in the pan. Pour in the cider brandy and allow it to bubble up and reduce by two thirds. Pour in the gravy and stir, before finishing with a splash of cream. Check the seasoning and adjust with any salt or pepper as necessary.
Carve the chicken into thick slices, giving each person a little of the dark and white meat. Serve with lashings of the rich wild mushroom gravy and some seasonal veg.