A classic steak cut with a deep, rich flavour that perfectly holds its own alongside these roasted roots. Early spuds and young roots will cook quickly and can even be cooked outside on the BBQ if that is how you plan to cook your steak. Just wrap them in double-layered foil parcels instead of using roasting trays and tuck them into some gentle embers for about 30 -40 mins. Remove them when ready and then stoke up the heat for your steaks.

Preheat your oven to 200⁰C/Gas 6.
Cut the carrots into long angled pieces. Peel the turnips and cut them into generous chunks. Trim any tops away from the beetroots and give them a scrub clean - keep the small ones whole, cut any larger one in half. Give the new potatoes a scrub, keep small ones whole and cut any larger ones into halves or quarters.
Throw the carrots, turnips and beetroots into a large roasting tray with the juice from half the lemon and 2 tablespoons of oil. Season generously and mix well. Roast them in the oven for 30 minutes, until tender. The beetroot may have to go back in separately for an extra 5-10 minutes if they are still a little underdone.
While the roots cook, throw the potatoes into a separate roasting tray. Give the garlic cloves a bash, enough to spilt them open - throw them into the pan too, along with the bay leaves. Add 2 tablespoons of oil and season with salt and pepper. Mix well and cover the tray tightly with foil. Put the in the oven on the shelf below the other roots. Roast for 25-30 minutes, until tender.
10 minutes before the roots are ready get a frying pan, griddle or BBQ nice and hot. Lightly oil the steaks and season them well. Fry them for about 10-12 minutes until deeply coloured on all sides and medium/rare in the middle. Leave to rest for 10 minutes while you finish the veg.
When the veg is cooked, tease the skins away from the beetroots. Tip the potatoes in with the rest of the roots, add the herbs and mix everything together well. Serve alongside the sliced steaks.