This could well be the best pie you have ever tried... A controversial statement, I know, as I'm sure many of you picture chunks of mouthwateringly melting meat, submerged in a rich gravy when you consider the 'perfect pie'. While totally unconventional this hearty little pie packs real flavour from just a few carefully chosen ingredients.

For the filling, mix together all the ingredients then shape into four equal-sized balls. Pop in the fridge to chill.
To make the pastry, heat the water, lard and salt in a saucepan until it boils. Place the flour into a mixing bowl and carefully pour in the hot water and lard liquid. Mix together with a wooden spoon then once cool enough to handle place the mixture onto a work surface and knead until a smooth dough has formed (this will only take a minute or two).
Working as quickly as you can, cut off a quarter of the pastry and set aside. Divide the remaining dough into four equally sized balls. Roll out each ball to an 18cm circle, about 5mm thick. Roll out the remaining pastry and cut out four circular lids, 10cm in diameter.
Place a ball of filling on each large circle of pastry. Gather the pastry around the meat and bring up the sides to form the shape of a pork pie. Keep stretching the pastry so it reaches around 2cm above the meat. Dampen the edges of the pies with water and press the lids on top of the filling. Seal the edges together using your fingers.
Wrap a strip of greaseproof paper around each pie and secure with string (to make sure the pie holds its shape when cooking). Put the pies on a baking tray then cut a steam hole in the centre of each pie, brush with a beaten egg and transfer to the fridge to rest for 30 minutes. Bake for 35-40 minutes, or until golden brown. Serve hot with gravy.