The night before you plan to cook your gammon, take it out of its wrapping and soak it overnight in a bowl full of cold water.
Fill a large casserole dish with water and gently bring the gammon to the boil. Discard the water, rinse and pop the gammon back into the empty pan and refill with fresh cold water.
Cut an onion in half, snap off a stick of celery, chop a carrot in half and submerge in the water. Add a few bay leaves and some cloves. Then place the pan back over a medium heat, bringing the pan to a simmer, while being careful not to boil.
Cook the Gammon for 55 minutes per kilo.
Once cooked remove the gammon from the saucepan and pop it into a roasting dish. At this moment remove the rind, score the fat and stud the gammon with cloves, orange peel and bay leaves.
Slather a good helping of our honey glaze over the top of the scored fat and pop the roasting dish into a hot preheated oven (190C) and bake for 15-20 minutes per kilo.